Tarot Spells: 6 Easy Ways to Use Tarot in Magic
Tarot cards are liminal doorways into the underworld of the unconscious mind.
They’re also brilliant tools for spellcraft and ritual.
They’re super handy.
Literally, any tarot or oracle deck can be used for magic and pathworking.
Why use tarot cards in spells?
That’s a good question.
Here’s why:
They can represent your magical goal in a visual way.
They can reduce the need for physical correspondences.
They can act as a focal point during ritual.
In this post, you’ll find five ways to use tarot cards in magic and ritual.
1. How to Cast a Spell Using Tarot
This is hands down the simplest way to perform tarot magic.
We like to keep it simple here.
This method utilises everybody’s favourite…
I mean who doesn’t love misty swirls of incense right?
(Unless, you’re like… asthmatic or something).
Keep reading for how to perform this super simple ritual.
you’ll need
Tarot deck
how to cast
Choose a day and a tarot card sympathetic to the energy of your goal.
Light the incense stick and slowly waft the tarot card through the smoke, chanting your intention until the incense burns itself out.
Place the charged tarot card on your altar or carry it with you to act as a talisman.
You can also create an altar using your charged card as described in the altar ritual below.
2. How to Create a Tarot Altar
This specific magical working first appeared in my book: How to Read Oracle Cards.
This altar working is a long-term passive form of magic.
You create an altar dedicated to your goal and continue to feed it energy.
Find out how to create your own below!
you’ll need
Tarot card
Symbolic items
how to cast
Choose a day and a tarot card sympathetic to the energy of your goal.
Artfully arrange your items on the altar. As you place each object on to the altar, tell it what you would like it to attract into your life.
State your intention out loud that these objects will work together to bring about your desired outcome.
Visualise coloured light pouring down onto your altar. Chant some like:
‘This altar draws increased flow of monetary income into my life.’
Work with your altar on the appropriate planetary day every week.
Burn incense, light the candles, recharge sigils.
Chant your intention and visualise the coloured light flowing down from the expansive heavens.
how long do I keep the altar up for?
For as long as you want.
To keep the energy flowing, continue to regularly engage with your altar.
If your desire has manifested, feel free to dismantle the altar and dispose of the working remnants.
3. How to Create A Tarot Talisman
Tarot cuts out the middle-man and goes straight for symbolism.
Which means that tarot cards make excellent talismans.
But what are talismans? I hear you ask!
Talisman’s are charged objects that attract specific intentions or bring good luck.
For this working, you’ll need to choose a tarot card in alignment with what you wish to draw in.
You’ll need:
Tarot card
Small drawstring bag
Appropriate correspondences
how to cast
Empower your tools in whatever way is most suitable for you.
Place the charged items inside the drawstring bag. You can also write your intention on a piece of paper and pop it inside the bag as well.
Carry this talisman around with you to draw your desire to you.
You may need to refresh your talisman every once in a while. Simply, go through the process again with fresh correspondences.
4. How to Use Tarot Cards For Meditation
Tarot is amazing for meditation.
It can be boring.
Sitting still and attempting to quiet your mind is never particularly fun.
It can also be more difficult for neurodivergent people.
(But not impossible).
Which is why spicing things up with a fun tarot deck can help.
How to do it
Choose a tarot card you’re excited to meditate with.
Visualise yourself opening a door with the scene from the card behind it.
Explore the area. Talk to any beings in the card and see what guidance you receive.
Write down any insights or thoughts in a journal.
5. How to Use the Four Aces in Magic
The Ace of Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles each represent one of the four elements.
Fire, water, air and earth respectively.
Here’s a few handy ways to utilise the Aces in ritual and magic.
Use the Aces to invoke each element.
Place the Aces to mark the cardinal directions during circle casting.
Visualise each Ace card in turn to ground or cleanse yourself.
Use the Aces as elemental energy ‘boosts’ for spells.