Planetary Magic: 7 Powerful Ways to Connect to the Magic of the Moon


If you’re feeling bored or disconnected from your spiritual path.

I invite you to invoke the energy of the Moon for a much needed sprinkle of magic and moondust.

Connecting to the Moon can also boost the connection to your unconscious mind and can assist you in developing your intuitive abilities.

It can assist you in reigniting the ember of inspiration for your spiritual path.

And connect you to the ineffable divine mystery of the cosmos.

A Brief History of the Moon

Scientists believe that the Moon came into being around 50 million years after the formation of the solar system.

Talk about turning up late for class.

Giant-impact hypothesis theorises that the Moon was formed from a cataclysmic collision between the earth and a dwarf sized planet.

The Moon’s gravitational pull influences the tides upon the earth. Hence the strong mythopoetic connection between the Moon and human emotion.

The word ‘Moon’ comes from the Proto-Indo-European *mēnsis meaning ‘month’.

In classical antiquity, the Moon was associated with the Greek goddess Selene. As well as the Roman goddess Luna and later, the Greek goddess Artemis.

Moon Correspondences

Day: Monday

Number: 9

Element: Water

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Colours: White, grey, silver

Minerals: Clear quartz, selenite, moonstone, onyx

Metals: Silver

Plants: Jasmine, lotus, moonwort, mugwort, poppy

Deities: Artemis, Luna, Mani, Selene, Sin, Thoth

Offerings: Water, white candles, incense, crystals, sea shells, sea glass

1. Dress in Lunar Colours

Colour is an incredibly powerful tool and can affect us emotionally and physically.

Colours correspond to certain magical intentions, so wearing white, silver and grey can sympathetically align you with the energy of the Moon.

On a Monday, or any time you’re looking to connect with the Moon, experiment with dressing in lunar colours.

Add some silver eyeshadow or glitter to your face. You can also wear crystals that align with the energy of the moon.

According to the 11th century composite astrological grimoire the Picatrix:

The Moon of the metals has silver and silver marcasite and seed pearls and has part of crystal and blue stones and onyx and quartz.

Select a stone from the correspondence list and wear it as a sacred necklace.

On a Monday, around the waxing or full moon, dedicate the crystal pendant in a ritual of consecration to enhance your connection to the moon.

Simply tell the crystal that you would like to connect to the Moon and allow it to ‘charge’ in the light of the full moon each month.

Every time you touch your pendant, whisper a short incantation or affirmation.

For example:

‘Glorious moon, fill me with your diffusing silver light’.

This is a super simple daily practice which I recommend trying, especially if you’re short on time!

2. Connect With the Moon Through Meditation

A simple way to connect to the energy of the Moon is to connect with it through meditation.

Visualise the glowing white glyph of the Moon (see image). Concentrate on holding the glyph in your mind’s eye.

Conjure up the feeling of being infused with the cool magnetic energy of the Moon.

If you struggle to visualise, hold an image of the glyph in front of you and gaze at it.

Another way to form a connection is through pathworking the imagery on the Moon card in the tarot.

Close your eyes and breathe.

Visualise a silver door with a crescent Moon gently glowing on its marble surface. Open the door and step through into the scene on the tarot card. Experience the energy of this mysterious landscape.

It might be helpful to journal about your experiences.

Seek to perform this meditation every Monday or on each significant change of the Moon cycle.

3. How to Perform a New Moon Tarot Reading

The new moon is the perfect time to perform a tarot reading to see what’s ahead.

This has been a very powerful practice for me recently and has helped me to align with natures primal  rhythms.

Reading tarot doesn’t have to complicated.

Let’s keep this simple.

Try pulling one card at the new moon to ask about the theme of the upcoming moon cycle. Then make it a point to reflect on the meaning of the card at the following new moon.

4. Celebrate the new moon Noumenia

Noumenia (‘new moon’) is an ancient Greek festival that was widely observed in ancient Athens.

It was celebrated in honour of the Moon goddess Selene and the household gods.

Noumenia marked the beginning of the new month, it was celebrated when the first sliver of the new moon appeared in the sky.

The philosopher and historian Plutarch (46-119 CE) called this festival ‘the most sacred of days’.

Noumenia was traditionally celebrated with offerings of incense and freshly baked cakes.

Flowers and greenery were also used to adorn the home and frankincense was burned in honour of the Moon goddess Selene.

Try celebrating the ancient monthly festival of Noumenia as part of your practice to connect to the Moon.

Noumenia Ideas

  • Clean your home annd open your windows.

  • Clean and refresh your altars.

  • Buy some fresh white flowers.

  • Bake sweet honey cakes.

  • Recite the Orphic Hymn to Selene and offer her frankincense incense.

5. Recite the Homeric Hymn to Selene

If you’re not interested in celebrating Noumenia. You can still recite the Homeric Hymn to Selene at each new or full moon.

These hymns are considered offerings in themselves, especially when melodiously sung.

Homeric Hymn to Selene

And next, sweet voiced Muses, daughters of Zeus, well- skilled in song, tell of the long-winged Moon.

From her immortal head a radiance is shown from heaven and embraces earth; and great is the beauty that arise from her shining light.

The air, unlit before, glows with the light of her golden crown, and her rays beam clear, whensoever bright Selene having bathed her lovely body in the waters of Ocean, and donned her far-gleaming, shining team, drives on her long-maned horses at full speed, at eventime in the mid-month: then her great orbit is full and then her beams shine brightest as she increases. So she is a sure token and a sign to mortal men.

Once the Son of Cronos was joined with her in love; and she conceived and bare a daughter Pandia, exceeding lovely amongst the deathless gods.

Hail, white-armed goddess, bright Selene, mild, bright-tressed queen!

And now I will leave you and sing the glories of men half-divine, whose deeds minstrels, the servants of the Muses, celebrate with lovely lips.

6. How to Create a Moon Altar

Set up an altar dedicated to your chosen Moon deity or to the energy of the Moon itself.

Try to stick to the traditional colours of white, silver and grey.

Moon Altar Ideas

  • Statue or image of a Moon deity

  • Offering bowl

  • Incense burner

  • White or silver candles

  • Clear quartz, selenite or moonstone

  • Silver items

Use your altar to connect with the Moon and its deities by giving appropriate offerings, praying and meditating.

7. How to Create a Planetary Magic Moon Sigil

The seven classical planets each have a mathematical magic square associated with them for use in magic and ritual.

The Moon is associated with the number nine.

There are nine columns and nine rows making up the Moon magic square.

Each of the columns and rows totals reduce down to the number nine.

These magic squares are traditionally used to create sigils. The practitioner chooses a planet that’s most in alignment with the energy of their magical intention and uses the appropriate magic square to create a sigil.

The idea is that the sigil will become magically infused with the energy of the planet.

Choose a few words that encapsulate your intention.

For example, ‘intuition’ or ‘connection’ etc.

Then we’re going to find each letter’s number in the chart above.



Take out any repeating numbers.


Draw the sigil directly onto the magic square using the corresponding numbers in order.

Start by drawing a circle on the first number (here it would be number 9) and end with a straight line for the last number (here it would be number 6).

Neatly copy the shape of the sigil on a small piece of paper in a silver pen.

It’s time to charge your sigil.

You can charge a sigil through meditation or chanting.

Once your sigill is activated, burn it or bury it in the earth.