Money Magic Correspondences: The Complete Guide to Wealth Magic
In this post you’ll find a list of correspondences that resonate with all aspects of money, wealth and abundance magic.
What Are Money Correspondences?
I like to keep things simple.
Magic shouldn’t be about expensive, exotic ingredients.
So, I’ve only included magical correspondences that are wallet friendly and easy to obtain.
This post can be used to choose correspondences for your wealth, abundance and money magic spells and rituals.
How to Use Magical Correspondences
Make a money bowl spell or a money spell jar with any of the following correspondences.
Consider what each correspondence means to you as they will differ due to culture and personal experience.
For example, green isn’t really associated with money much outside of the USA.
Indeed, in Chinese culture, the colour red is considered a uniquely auspicious colour.
Go with what you intuitively feel is correct for your magical working.
When to Cast Money Spells
Waxing Moon
The waxing moon is symbolically associated with increase and is perfect for money magic focused on:
Monetary increase
Monetary opportunities
Wednesdays are ruled by the planet Mercury and are perfect for money magic focused on:
Thursdays are ruled by the planet Jupiter and are perfect for money magic focused on:
Long-term wealth building
Fridays are ruled by the planet Venus and are perfect for money magic focused on:
Little luxuries
Sundays are ruled by the Sun and are perfect for money magic focused on:
Monetary increase
Abundance mindset
Planetary Correspondences For Money Spells
Jupiter is the king of the solar system. He’s associated with Zeus, the king of the gods and is a powerful planet of expansion.
Jupiter is great for long-term money workings that secure the elevation of your statue.
Think building wealth!
To align with Jupiter’s energy perform your working on a Thursday.
The planet mercury is useful for business and commerce workings as it’s ruled by the cunning and swift-footed god Hermes.
To align with Mercury’s energy perform your working on a Wednesday.
The archetypal energy of Venus is a feminine, sensual and magnetic.
By aligning with her energy she helps us to draw our deepest desires to us.
Invoke Venus in your magic for more fun, frivolity and luxurious gifts.
To align with Venus’s energy perform your working on a Friday.
The Sun
The Sun is an incredibly joyful, expansive energy.
It’s perfect for money magic and abundance workings for this reason!
To align with the Sun’s energy perform your working on a Sunday.
Deities Associated With Wealth
Abundantia is the Roman goddess of abundance, fortune, and plenty.
She’s the personification of abundance, and is depicted on some Roman coins holding the horn of plenty.
Abundantia can be approached for success in all financial matters.
Petition Abundantia for assistance in increasing your monetary income.
Ancestral Dead
In Chaos Protocols: Magical Techniques for Navigating the New Economic Reality (2016) Gordon White explains that making offerings to your ancestors is a form of success magic.
No other spiritual being is going to be as interested in you as your own ancestors.
They have a vested interest in you because you’re their descendant whom they wish to see prosperous the family line.
Petition your ancestors for assistance in getting a pay rise, increasing your overall income and bringing in fortuitous opportunities.
Ploutos is a khthonic deity that presides over the rich deep earth and the lucrative minerals mined from within its soil.
He’s closely associated with Hades and distributed wealth from his cornucopia.
The sky god Zeus blinded Ploutos so he would be unbiased in his distribution of wealth and prosperity.
Petition Ploutos for assistance in increasing your monetary income.
Tykhe or Fortuna
Tykhe (Roman Tyche) is the Greek goddess of chance, fate and fortune.
‘Fortune favours the bold’, Audentes Fortuna Iuvat is a common Latin phrase.
Petition Tyke for assistance in increasing your luck and increasing your good fortune.
Just remember that the wheel is ever turning and what goes up must come down.
Colour Correspondences For Money Spells
Gold brings to mind the energy of the sun, shining golden coins and a sense of long-term wealth.
People are often warned that ‘all that glitters isn’t gold’.
Someone who succeeds in all endeavours is said to have ‘the golden touch’.
In Greek mythology, King Midas is granted the dubious gift of turning everything he touches into gold.
Utilise the colour gold in magical workings for financial opportunities, jobs and wealth-long term wealth building.
Green brings to mind vast swathes of forests brimming with life, lush meadows and a sense of abundant growth.
Utilise the colour green in magical workings for growth, abundance and money drawing.
Orange brings to mind freshly squeezed orange juice, round pumpkins at Halloween and the fall of crisp autumn leaves.
Orange resonates with the energy of opportunity and clearing the way for those opportunities to be brought in.
Utilise the colour orange in magical workings for financial opportunities, jobs and for the removal of obstacles.
White brings to mind cleanliness, purity and the refraction of rainbows through glass prisms.
White actually contains all colours within it so it’s highly multi-purpose and excellent for substitution.
Utilise the colour white in any type of financial magical working.
Crystal Correspondences For Money Spells
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz corresponds to the Sun and to all of the elements.
You can use quartz as a substitute for any other crystal.
Utilise clear quartz in all kinds of financial magical workings.
Citrine corresponds to the Sun and the element of fire.
Citrine’s name from Old French citrin ‘lemon-coloured’.
Citrine is a yellow variety of quartz that radiates joy and abundance.
Utilise citrine in magical workings for increasing a positive money mindset.
Pyrite corresponds to the planet Mars and the element of fire.
AKA ‘fool's gold’, is a potent magnet for prosperity.
It forms naturally in 3D cubes and is associated with foundations and grounding.
Utilise pyrite in magical workings for money drawing, long-term wealth building and stable foundations.
Herb and Oil Correspondences For Money Spells
Photo by Mockup Graphics on Unsplash
Bay corresponds to the Sun and the element of fire.
Bay comes from the laurel bush and is traditionally associated with the Greek god Apollon.
Laurel wreaths were worn by victors of the Olympic games in ancient Greece.
Utilise bay in magical workings for victory and success.
Chamomile corresponds to the Sun and the element of water.
Chamomile have cheery white and yellow flowers that are often used as a soothing warm tea.
Utilise chamomile in magical workings for increasing a positive money and abundance mindset.
Cinnamon corresponds to the Sun and the element of fire.
In ancient Egypt, cinnamon was burned as part of aromatic kyphi recipes and was one of the spices used to embalm the dead.
It’s also a key ingredient in Pumpkin Spice mix.
Cinnamon’s energy is one of warmth, nourishment and plenty.
Utilise cinnamon in magical workings for money drawing, success and for increasing life’s sweetness.
Cloves correspond to the planet Jupiter and the element of fire.
Like cinnamon, cloves have a warm, spicy scent and are frequently used in cooking.
Utilise cloves in magical workings for success and long-term wealth building.
Ginger corresponds to the planet Mars and the element of fire.
Utilise ginger in magical workings for stimulating and ‘speeding up’ matters of finance such as if you need a quick windfall of money, for finding a new job quickly and for business matters.
Mint corresponds to the planet Mercury and the element of air.
Someone is ‘minted’ meaning rich or wealthy.
Another expression, is saying something is ‘in mint condition’ meaning something which is ‘like new’.
Mint has a fresh clean scent often associated with cleansing and clearing energy.
Utilise mint in magical workings for road opening, clearing your money blocks and for the monetary success of new projects.
Orange essential oil corresponds to the Sun and the element of fire.
Oranges have a fresh, zesty flavour that translates into their joyful, sunny energy.
Utilise orange essential oil in magical workings for success and for increasing a positive money and abundance mindset.
Patchouli essential oil corresponds to the planet Saturn and the element of earth.
Patchouli has a distinctive (some say stinky), deep earthy scent that was very popular in the 1960s.
Due to its fertile scent and association with the loamy deep earth it’s often associated with money.
Utilise patchouli essential oil in magical workings for long-term money goals and long-term wealth building.
Saffron corresponds to the Sun and the element of fire.
Saffron is more expensive than gold per gram.
In ancient Persia, saffron was cultivated in Esfahan and remains widely used in Persian cooking today.
Like the Persian King Cyrus, Alexander the Great is said to have bathed in water sprinkled with saffron after battle.
Utilise saffron (sparingly) in magical workings for long-term money goals and long-term wealth building.
Other Correspondences For Money Spells
Photo by Everyday basics on Unsplash
A coins planetary correspondence will depend on what metal it’s made of.
Coins act as a physical symbol of accumulated wealth and cold hard cash.
Utilise coins in all financial magical workings.
Beeswax candles
Beeswax corresponds to the planet Venus, the sun and to the elements of fire and water.
In The Greek Magical Papyri, a spell for increased business calls for a figure of the god Hermes to be created out of orange beeswax.
Pure golden beeswax corresponds to the relentless industry and sweetness of bees, so it’s an ideal wax to use in money magic.
Utilise beeswax in magical workings for co-operation in business, work related workings and long term wealth building.
Honey corresponds to the Sun, the planet Venus and to the elements of fire and water.
Despite its sunny and sweet properties honey has a curious association with the dead.
In ancient Egypt, honey was used to embalm the dead and was given as offerings to the dead in ancient Greece.
In the ancient Greek epic The Odyssey, the hero Odysseus visits the underworld.
The witch Kirke instructs him how to call the souls of the dead by offering a mixture of milk, honey, wine and water (as well as sacrificial ewe or two) into a pit in the ground.
Utilise honey in magical workings to draw money to you and to give as an offering in petitions to the dead and to the spirits of wealth.
A keys planetary correspondence will depend on the kind of metal or it’s colour.
For example, silver corresponds to the moon, copper corresponds to the planet Venus and gold corresponds to the Sun.
Keys unlock the doors of opportunity and open the way.
Utilise keys in magical workings for unlocking financial opportunities, jobs and for the removal of obstacles.
Sugar corresponds to the planet Venus and to the element of water.
Sugar possesses the Venusian quality of attraction to sweeten and draw things to you.
Once an expensive luxury that only certain sectors of society could afford, today sugar is an inexpensive pantry staple.
Utilise sugar in magical work for attracting opportunities and to attract the finer things in life.