Minimalist Witchcraft: 7 Easy Ways to Simplify Your Magic


Circe by John William Waterhouse

What is Minimalist Witchcraft?

Minimalist living is all about focusing on what truly matters and eliminating the rest.

From birth we’re sold the idea that meaning, value and satisfaction can only be found in the pursuit of ‘things’.

Through decluttering we can discern what we truly value, and focus on the things that matter.

Minimalism can be applied to the practice of  witchcraft, magic and ritual in two ways:

  • Decluttering physical tools.

  • Simplifying magical processes.

How Clutter is Affecting Your Witchcraft

Japanese author Fumio Sasaki described something called the ‘silent to do list’ in his book Goodbye Things: On Minimalist Living (2017).

The silent to do list is all of the things that are silently calling for our attention.

The items we own need to be maintained and in our heads we create a list of all the things that need doing.

That herbalism book that’s been sitting on your shelf unread for three years? That expensive moon oil you keep meaning to use on the next full moon?

These are all a part of the silent to do list.

They whisper and prod at your unconscious mind every day.

By reducing the outward clutter we can silence the silent to do list, declutter our brains and free up more time and focus for magic.

The Benefits of Minimalist Witchcraft

Now, I know that getting rid of some of your sparkly crystals and fun tools doesn’t sound like a particularly good time.

But there are several benefits of working with a simplified pool of resources!

Benefits of Minimalist Magic

  • Reducing the amount of tools you own redirects your focus inward.

  • Reducing the amount of magical correspondences results in increased focus on your magical intention.

  • Reducing the amount of steps and practices in magic means you can work craft rituals that are more in alignment with your path.

Here are seven ways to declutter and simplify your magic.

1. Declutter Magical Tools You Don’t Use

Ask yourself, what do I actually use?

Then discard the rest.

Ok, that’s sometimes easier said than done! Humans are illogical, emotional creatures that easily become attached to things for vague reasons.

Not to mention the sunk cost fallacy…

Try this practical experiment: what are your three most used tools?

Narrow it down.

Commit to only using those three tools for one month and see how you get on.

Alternatively, pack away all of your tools into a box. Only take out an item when you actually need to use it.

By the end of the month you’ll be able to see what you actually used.

As for the things left in the box?

Declutter them!

2. Create a ‘One of Each’ Witchcraft Toolkit

Only owning one of each item is a popular technique for minimising in the simple living community.

Ask yourself, what items do I only need one of?

White Candles

White candles are an excellent all-purpose item that are suitable for most situations.

Alternatively, think about what you use most often.

The key is to be observant of your practice.

One Type of Incense

Not too bothered about incense?

Try narrowing it down to just one. It might be your favourite scent, or just the one that most resonates with your practice.

One Divination Tool

Whether tarot, runes or geomancy is your thing.

You can simplify your divination practice by only using one divination system.

Since most of us love a good deck of tarot cards. I can almost bet most people reading this own a fair few of them.

Personally, I only keep tarot decks that I use and connect with.

Tarot is a mirror and what resonates at one point in my life isn’t likely to resonate at other times in my life.

Less tarot decks means you can go deeper with the ones you truly love.

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz is the crystal version of a white candle.

Clear quartz can substitute any other type of crystal.

If you work with crystals and own a piece of clear quartz you don’t need any other type.


Similar to clear quartz rosemary can be used for a variety of intentions.

For example:

  • Cleansing

  • Memory

  • Love

  • Protection

  • Prosperity

I also feel like cinnamon sticks are similarly multipurpose and useful.

Olive Oil

This rich oil has been produced in the Mediterranean for thousands of years.

It can be used as a base oil for any magical homemade oils, as an offering to deities and it can be used to anoint candles.

Plus, it’s great on salads.

For a super minimal magical toolkit combine:

  • White candles

  • Clear quartz

  • Olive oil

  • Rosemary

3. stick to Kitchen herbs

When it comes to magical workings. I stick to the herbs and spices I already have in my kitchen.

This means I don’t overload myself with surplus ingredients that will go off before I use them.

I’m a believer in focusing on the correspondences you have a strong connection to.

Owning and using less correspondences means your form a deeper relationship with the ones you do have.

4. Learn the Art of Magical Substitution

When you’re planning your next exciting ritual or working.

Just think about what you already own. If there’s something you don’t have, see if that item can be substituted instead.

The idea is to reduce.

Which means having less random items we only use for one ritual.

5. Simplify Your Magical Rituals

Magic doesn’t need to be complex to be effective.

Some of the most powerful rituals are the ones that require very few tools.

You can simplify your magical workings and rituals if you don’t resonate with certain practices.

For example, I never cleanse my tarot and oracle decks.

Even though many people like to do this, I just don’t feel the need to.

Instead I focus on my own mindset.

I meditate and have the occasional cleansing bath if I feel I need it.

Another example is casting a circle. This is a popular practice that originated in ceremonial magic and was popularised by Wicca.

However, if you don’t like casting circles it’s perfectly fine to declutter them from your magical practice.

6. You Don’t Have to Learn All the Things

The same goes for not making yourself learn about every single witchy or occult topic out there.

Not interested in herbalism?

Skip it.

You have my solemn permission.

(Which you definitely don’t need).

You don’t have to explore any topic in magic if it doesn’t really interest you.

Let go of the ‘should’ and ‘have to’ mentality. You don’t HAVE to do anything!

7. Simplify Your Tarot Practice

If you have a tarot practice it may be beneficial for you to look for ways to simplify your readings.

The most minimalist and pared back version of the tarot is the Tarot de Marseille.

It’s the OG tarot and is free of the heavy esoteric occult themes layered upon the Rider Waite Smith and the Thoth tarot decks.

I don’t much care for Kabbalah and astrological correspondences and never use them in my tarot interpretations.

Instead I rely on a mixture of keywords, intuition and symbolism.

  • What tarot correspondences do you use?

  • What correspondences can you let go of?

Perhaps, you hate doing daily draws and find they just add more stress to your day.

(Hello, ten of swords my old friend…).

You’re perfectly within your rights to stop doing them.

Take a look at your tarot practice and see what can simplified.

Let me know in the comments section below, if you have any other ideas on how to simplify your magical practice.