Fresh Start Energy: How to Create an Enchanting Spring Simmer Pot


Gather Ye Rosebuds Why Ye May (1908) by John William Waterhouse

Shaking off the old, stagnant energy of winter can be slow going.

Our homes in particular, can be left feeling stuck and heavy with the dense claustrophobic vibe of winter.

If you or your home has been feeling sluggish and lacklustre then it’s time to inject some uplifting spring witchery.

Try a spring simmer pot for an instant magical detox.

This magical spring simmer pot will inject some expansive joy and lightness into your home!

What is A Simmer Pot?

A simmer pot is a small cooking pot (or pan) filled with water and a magical mixture of delightfully scented food, herbs and flowers.

These charged ingredients release their powerful fragrance as they lightly simmer on the hob or stovetop.

As the plant matter simmers, your home is filled with the magic of your intention.

Simmer pots are a gentle way to cleanse your home and activate your olfactory senses.

Simmer pots are a vibrant celebration of the season and a way to cleanse away the old and make way for the new.

What Ingredients Do I Need?

The intention of this simmer pot is to clear out the stuck, stagnant energy of winter.

And to welcome in the fresh zesty energy of spring.

This simmer pot has been created in sympathy with the sensuous and pleasure-loving energy of the planet Venus.

Venus Baby

  • Perform this magical working on a Friday, at the start of spring.

  • The planet Venus is associated with spring and all green growing things.

  • Her sacred number is seven, so this number repeats throughout.

Ingredient Meanings

  • Lemon aligns with the energy of cleansing and joy.

  • Mint aligns with the energy of cleansing and growth.

  • Sea salt aligns with the energy of cleansing and purification.

  • Rose is ruled by the planet Venus and is aligned with her energy of joy and pleasure.

How to Make a Magical Spring Simmer Pot

what you’ll need

  • 7 Fresh lemon slices

  • 7 Fresh mint leaves

  • Dried rose petals

  • Rose water

  • Sea salt

  • Water

the ritual

1. Select your pan.

Select a clean small to medium sized pot or pan and fill half the pan with water.

2. Cut seven slices of fresh lemon.


‘Infuse this spring simmer pot with cleansing energy.

Add the lemons to the pan.

3. Select seven fresh mint leaves.


‘Infuse this spring simmer pot with cleansing energy.’

Add the mint leaves to the simmer pot.

4. Select a pinch of sea salt.


‘Infuse this spring simmer pot with cleansing energy.’

Add the sea salt to the simmer pot.

5. Select a small handful of dried rose petals.


‘Infuse this spring simmer pot with the joyful, fresh energy of spring.’

Add the rose petals to the simmer pot.

6. Pour in a splash of rose water.


‘Infuse this spring simmer pot with the joyful, fresh energy of spring.’

7. Bring to the boil and reduce the heat so the liquid is gently simmering.


‘Cleanse and bless this home.’

Repeat this seven times.

Allow the pot to simmer and release the scent around your home.

8. Imagine coloured light swirling out of the simmer pot infusing your home with its energy.

Or contemplate your intention of a new beginning.

DO NOT leave the simmer pot unattended.

what if i Don’t Have Access to a kitchen?

If for some reason you don’t have access to a hob.

You can perform the same ritual using a mug or small bowl.

Fill the mug with boiling water (be careful!).

Add the ingredients as instructed. But only using what will fit in your vessel.

You can walk the mug or bowl around your home. Or set it before you to inhale the curling steam.

Meditate on your new beginning!