5 Powerful Ways to Connect to the Seductive Divine Feminine


This post is about how to align with the archetypal energy of the Divine Feminine.

As well as connect with the goddess within. 

What is the Divine Feminine?

The Divine Feminine is the collective energy or archetype of the goddesses depicted throughout ancient mythologies.

Some people choose to venerate specific goddesses.

While others prefer to honour the Divine Feminine as an all-encompassing energy or archetype.

If Divine Masculine energy is doing, then Divine Feminine energy is being.

The Divine Feminine is often conflated with the earth itself.

However, there’s another planet that better encompasses her lavish, abundant energy.

Venus enters the chat.

Venus was named for the Roman goddess of love and beauty.

Her name derives from the Proto-Italic word *wenos, or ‘love’.

Her ancient cult was heavily influenced by the iconography and mythology of the Greek goddess Aphrodite.

Those war hungry Romans loved a bit of religious syncretism!

Whenever I think of Divine Feminine energy.

I think of the planet Venus and the powerful, seductive deities that are associated with her.

Divine Feminine energy is manifest in the magnetic power of the planet Venus.

In the next section, you’ll find several ways to connect with the Divine Feminine within as well as without.

I like to keep my spiritual musings practical.

So, you’ll find some simple actionable rituals at the end of each step to encourage you to form a connection.  

How to Connect to the Divine Feminine

1. Seek Beauty

Beauty is an expression of the divine in our world.

Ancient goddesses have been associated with beauty for a millennium.

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato espoused the connection between the divine order and the symmetry of beauty.

One of the most powerful ways to connect with the Divine Feminine is to honour beauty.

Cultivate beauty in every area of your life.

  • Does your home feel beautiful?

  • Does your wardrobe reflect your most authentic self?

  • How often do I stop to appreciate all the beauty in your life?

Observe the Beauty of Nature

At least once a week, keep your phone in your bag or pocket, leave the headphones at home and get outside.

Be present and observe the beauty of the earth.

Beautify Your Home

Whether it’s a whole room or just one bookshelf, make it beautiful! Remove clutter, add colourful flowers or sprawling plants.

Buy a unique handmade ceramic vase or display your beautiful hardback books.

Make this place beautiful in whatever form most pleases you.

Create an Altar Dedicated to Beauty

Choose a pleasing colour scheme and balance when arranging your sacred objects.

Add anything that whispers to you of beauty.

Add beautiful statues, sweet scented beeswax candles and burn your favourite incense.

Create Art

Draw, paint, knit, sow, weave macrame, or get a colouring book and listen to an uplifting podcast.

If you love what you’ve created, thank the Muses and place it on your altar.

All creation is a holy act in offering to the Divine Feminine.

2. Be Sensual

The Divine Feminine is synonymous with pleasure in all its forms.

Delight your senses, be more Venus and allow yourself to indulge in everyday sensual experiences.

Light lovingly handmade scented candles, buy a lavishly scented bath bomb and soak in a hot bath, or cook your favourite decadent dessert.

Enliven your senses and experience the world through your physical senses.

Read a Cosy Book

Cosy books are wonderful for evoking a feeling of warmth and sensory experience.

I highly recommend the novel Cackle by Rachel Harrison for some empowering and cosy witchy vibes.

The novel is brimming with extravagant descriptions of food and delightful kitchen witchery.

Enjoy a Scented Bath Every Friday

Fridays are sacred to the captivating planet Venus, and it’s the perfect day to take a decadent bath.

Use a few drops of diluted rose essential oil with a handful of purifying sea salt.

For some next level Venusian witchery scatter a handful of organic rose petals into the bathwater.

Turn off the lights, light some candles and luxuriate your senses.

Cook a Nourishing Meal

Choose one of your favourite meals and cook from scratch using fresh ingredients.

When it’s ready, sit at the table and eat it mindfully, savouring the flavour of each bite.

3. Be Present in Your Body

Noon Day Rest by John William Godward

Your body is divine.

The Divine Feminine is intrinsically tied to the experience of the body.

We spend so much time stuck inside our own heads, examining the embarrassments of the past and worrying about the future that we disassociate from the present.

Spiritual practices aren’t much better.

Sitting in body numbing meditation for hours might be fantastic for your anxiety…

But it’s not going to help you to connect to the sensual and embodied Divine Feminine.

If you’re anything like me, you probably have a hard time resting.

Social media glamourises constant busyness and pushes toxic productivity trends like That Girl.

Capitalism is always pushing us to be more productive.

But to connect to Divine Feminine we need to be present in our bodies.

Learn About Intuitive Eating

Intuitive Eating teaches you to tune into your body’s fullness and hunger cues.

It’s all about listening to your body and embracing emotional and physical satisfaction.

I recommend the Ten Principles of Intuitive Eating by Dietician Abbey Sharp.

Practise Body Neutrality

Body neutrality is different to body positivity because it doesn’t force you to ‘love yourself’.

It’s simply about acceptance and shifting the focus to creating daily habits that foster health and wellbeing.

You can learn more about body neutrality here.

Rest Without Shame

You don’t have to earn your rest.

Rest without forcing yourself to meditate or put on a face mask.

If all you want to do is lie on the sofa and watch a whole season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer then do it.

Anoint Your Body With Oil

Anointing with fragranced oils is an ancient practice used to mark something or someone as holy.

The goddess Aphrodite was anointed with perfume soon after her birth from the seafoam.

The Kharites bathed her with heavenly oil such as blooms upon the bodies of the eternal gods - oil divinely sweet, which she had by her, filled with fragrance.

Choose a diluted, skin safe essential oil.

I like rose oil which I buy already diluted in a carrier oil.

Anoint your forehead, heart and palms while reciting an incantation or affirmation.

This can become part of your daily devotionals to the Divine Feminine.

4. Be the Destroyer

The people of ancient cultures didn’t pigeonhole their gods.

Many served complex and often contradictory functions.

Love goddesses such as Ishtar and Aphrodite were also strongly associated with war and destruction.

Just as nature has two sides, so too does the Divine Feminine.

The Greek goddess Aphrodite has ancient epithets (religious cult titles) such as Areia ‘warlike’ and Androphonos ‘killer of men’.

There’s also the Mesopotamian goddess Inanna. Who’s ancient epithets included Ninintina ‘Lady of warriorship’ and Ninme ‘Lady of battle’.

Just as The Star card follows the destruction of The Tower in the tarot.

So too, does destruction clear the way for new growth.

Declutter Your Belongings

Have you outgrown your old life?

Do you want to welcome in a new beginning?

Decluttering is a form of road opening ritual.

By letting go of the old, you’re symbolically communicating to the universe and your unconscious mind that you’re making space for a new beginning.

  • Declutter your wardrobe

  • Clear your surfaces

  • Simplify the chores in your life

  • Reduce your screentime

  • Downsize your home

  • Cut unnecessary spending

Let go of the old to make way for the new.

Remove Toxicity From Your Life

Distance yourself from anyone who negatively affects your self-esteem.

  • Unfollow people who make you feel bad about yourself

  • Unsubscribe from toxic YouTube channels

  • Delete social media altogether

  • Reduce your consumption of the news

If your job is like one of Dante’s nine circles of hell (without the poetry).

It’s time to cut ties and move on.

5. Connect With a Specific Goddess

If the idea of the Divine Feminine seems too abstract.

You can connect more deeply with feminine energy through venerating a specific goddess.

I’ve been honouring the goddess Aphrodite for a long time now.

Through my relationship with her I’ve learned a lot about myself and I’ve embraced a more Aphroditic way of being.

A personal relationship with a specific goddess can help you to integrate their lessons.

In a way, you become more like them.

Read Mythology (It’s Fun)

It’s a good idea to spend some time learning about mythology.

If you have no idea which goddess interests you…

Then reading the varied stories of the gods can assist you in choosing a goddess to build a relationship with.

Stay away from closed cultures to avoid cultural appropriation.

Focus on ancient cultures where the ancient Pagan religions have ceased to be.

  • Mesopotamian

  • Egyptian

  • Hellenic (Greek)

  • Roman

  • Celtic

  • Germanic

Create a Goddess Altar

Read about your chosen goddess’s ancient epithets, symbols and traditional offerings.

The basics you’ll need for an altar are:

  • Image of a goddess

  • Offering bowl

  • Candle

Begin with these and add more things as you go.

Make an Offering and Pray

Prayer was widely practiced by ancient Pagans.

The ancient Greeks even had the beautiful and evocative Homeric Hymns that were sung at state festivals to the gods.

The difference between Pagan traditions and Abrahamic ones is that prayer is usually given with an offering.

Traditional offerings vary from culture to culture.

But liquid offerings are very common.

Pour an appropriate liquid libation into your altar bowl. Tell the goddess you give it to her in her honour.

My practice is more Hellenic (Greek) based so traditional offerings include barley, incense, honey, wine and olive oil.

Spend Time at Your Altar

Ask your chosen goddess for a message.

Then pull a tarot card, journal, create art, write prayers or poems in her honour.

Make simple offerings regularly.

I make offerings to Aphrodite every Friday.

Because Fridays are sacred to her.